Sunucularınıza Keyif Katıcak Borsa Scripti | SemiOztrkk

1 Ocak 2022
Tepki puanı
Arkadaşlar Öncelikle Sunucunuza Zevk Vericek Daha Güzel Yapıcak Bir Script'le Karşınızdayım Bu Borsa Skripti Bunu Sunucularınıza Ekleyebilirsiniz.


    prefix: &3Faction &8►

    bitcoin-min-fiyat: 50000000

    bitcoin-max-fiyat: 100000000

    ethereum-min-fiyat: 10000000

    ethereum-max-fiyat: 50000000

    dogecoin-min-fiyat: 1000000

    dogecoin-max-fiyat: 10000000



    {bitcoin::%player%} = 0

    {ethereum::%player%} = 0

    {dogecoin::%player%} = 0


on load:

    #--- Kurulum

    if {kuryenile} isn't set:

        set {kuryenile} to 5

    if {fiyat::doge} isn't set:

        set {_sayi3} to random integer between {@dogecoin-min-fiyat} and {@dogecoin-max-fiyat}

        set {fiyat::doge} to {_sayi3}

    if {fiyat::eth} isn't set:

        set {_sayi2} to random integer between {@ethereum-min-fiyat} and {@ethereum-max-fiyat}

        set {fiyat::eth} to {_sayi2}

    if {fiyat::btc} isn't set:

        set {_sayi1} to random integer between {@bitcoin-min-fiyat} and {@bitcoin-max-fiyat}

        set {fiyat::btc} to {_sayi1}


function numberFormat(int: text) :: text:

    set {_Format} to "%{_int}%"

    set {_length} to length of {_Format}

    if {_length} >= 3:

        set {_mod} to {_length} mod 3

        if {_mod} is 0:

            set {_groups::*} to groups 1 of {_Format} matched to "([0-9]{3})"

            set {_Format} to "%join {_groups::*} with "".""%"


            set {_1} to the first {_mod} characters of {_Format}

            set {_2} to subtext of {_Format} from characters ({_mod}+1) to {_length}

            set {_groups::*} to groups 1 of {_2} matched to "([0-9]{3})"

            set {_Format} to "%{_1}%.%join {_groups::*} with "".""%"

    return {_Format}


on placeholderapi placeholder request for the prefix "borsaf":

    if the identifier is "sayac":

        set the result to "%{kuryenile}%"

    if the identifier is "btc":

        set {formatted.btc} to numberFormat("%{fiyat::btc}%")

        set the result to "%{formatted.btc}%"

    else if the identifier is "eth":

        set {formatted.eth} to numberFormat("%{fiyat::eth}%")

        set the result to "%{formatted.eth}%"   

    else if the identifier is "doge":

        set {formatted.doge} to numberFormat("%{fiyat::doge}%")

        set the result to "%{formatted.doge}%"           


on placeholderapi placeholder request for the prefix "borsawallet":

    if the identifier is "btc":

        set {formatted.mybtc} to numberFormat("%{bitcoin::%player%}%")

        set the result to "%{formatted.mybtc}%"

    else if the identifier is "eth":

        set {formatted.myeth} to numberFormat("%{ethereum::%player%}%")

        set the result to "%{formatted.myeth}%"   

    else if the identifier is "doge":

        set {formatted.mydoge} to numberFormat("%{dogecoin::%player%}%")

        set the result to "%{formatted.mydoge}%"       


command /borsaislem [<text>] [<text>]:


        if arg 1 is "al":

            if arg 2 is not "bitcoin" or "ethereum" or "dogecoin":

                send "{@prefix} &cHatalı Kullanım!"


                if arg 2 is "bitcoin":

                    if player's balance is bigger than or equal to {fiyat::btc}:

                        execute console command "eco take %player% %{fiyat::btc}%"

                        add 1 to {bitcoin::%player%}

                        send "{@prefix} &fBaşarıyla &a1 BTC &fsatın aldınız!"

                        execute player command "borsa"


                        execute console command "tm message %player% &c&lHATA\n&7Yeterince paran yok!"   

                if arg 2 is "ethereum":

                    if player's balance is bigger than or equal to {fiyat::eth}:

                        execute console command "eco take %player% %{fiyat::eth}%"

                        add 1 to {ethereum::%player%}

                        send "{@prefix} &fBaşarıyla &a1 ETH &fsatın aldınız!"

                        execute player command "borsa"


                        execute console command "tm message %player% &c&lHATA\n&7Yeterince paran yok!"   

                if arg 2 is "dogecoin":

                    if player's balance is bigger than or equal to {fiyat::doge}:

                        execute console command "eco take %player% %{fiyat::doge}%"

                        add 1 to {dogecoin::%player%}

                        send "{@prefix} &fBaşarıyla &a1 DOGE &fsatın aldınız!"

                        execute player command "borsa"


                        execute console command "tm message %player% &c&lHATA\n&7Yeterince paran yok!"   

        if arg 1 is "sat":

            if arg 2 is not "bitcoin" or "ethereum" or "dogecoin":

                send "{@prefix} &cHatalı Kullanım!"


                if arg 2 is "bitcoin":

                    if {bitcoin::%player%} is bigger than or equal to 1:

                        execute console command "eco give %player% %{fiyat::btc}%"

                        remove 1 from {bitcoin::%player%}

                        send "{@prefix} &fBaşarıyla &a1 BTC &fsattınız!"

                        execute player command "borsa"


                        execute console command "tm message %player% &c&lHATA\n&cHesabınızda &eBTC &cbulunmamaktadır!"

                if arg 2 is "ethereum":

                    if {ethereum::%player%} is bigger than or equal to 1:

                        execute console command "eco give %player% %{fiyat::eth}%"

                        remove 1 from {ethereum::%player%}

                        send "{@prefix} &fBaşarıyla &a1 ETH &fsattınız!"

                        execute player command "borsa"


                        execute console command "tm message %player% &c&lHATA\n&cHesabınızda &eETH &cbulunmamaktadır!"   

                if arg 2 is "dogecoin":

                    if {dogecoin::%player%} is bigger than or equal to 1:

                        execute console command "eco give %player% %{fiyat::doge}%"

                        remove 1 from {dogecoin::%player%}

                        send "{@prefix} &fBaşarıyla &a1 DOGE &fsattınız!"

                        execute player command "borsa"


                        execute console command "tm message %player% &c&lHATA\n&cHesabınızda &eDOGE &cbulunmamaktadır!"   

        if arg 1 is "wallet":


        if arg 1 is "kur":

            send "ETH: %{fiyat::eth}%"

            send "BTC: %{fiyat::btc}%"

            send "DOGE: %{fiyat::doge}%"

            send "%{kuryenile}% dakika kaldı!"



every 1 minutes:

    if {kuryenile} is 0:

        set {kuryenile} to 30

        set {_sayi1} to random integer between {@bitcoin-min-fiyat} and {@bitcoin-max-fiyat}

        set {_sayi2} to random integer between {@ethereum-min-fiyat} and {@ethereum-max-fiyat}

        set {_sayi3} to random integer between {@dogecoin-min-fiyat} and {@dogecoin-max-fiyat}

        set {fiyat::doge} to {_sayi3}

        set {fiyat::eth} to {_sayi2}

        set {fiyat::btc} to {_sayi1}

        send "{@prefix} &fBorsa fiyatları güncellendi! &aBir sonraki yenilemeye kalan: &e30 Dakika" to all players

        execute console command "hd reload"


        remove 1 from {kuryenile}
Moderatörün son düzenlenenleri:
  • Beğen
Tepkiler: Rospia ve Dolica
1 Ara 2020
Tepki puanı
Arkadaşlar Öncelikle Sunucunuza Zevk Vericek Daha Güzel Yapıcak Bir Script'le Karşınızdayım Bu Borsa Skripti Bunu Sunucularınıza Ekleyebilirsiniz.

prefix: &3Faction &8►
bitcoin-min-fiyat: 50000000
bitcoin-max-fiyat: 100000000
ethereum-min-fiyat: 10000000
ethereum-max-fiyat: 50000000
dogecoin-min-fiyat: 1000000
dogecoin-max-fiyat: 10000000

{bitcoin::%player%} = 0
{ethereum::%player%} = 0
{dogecoin::%player%} = 0

on load:
#--- Kurulum
if {kuryenile} isn't set:
set {kuryenile} to 5
if {fiyat::doge} isn't set:
set {_sayi3} to random integer between {@dogecoin-min-fiyat} and {@dogecoin-max-fiyat}
set {fiyat::doge} to {_sayi3}
if {fiyat::eth} isn't set:
set {_sayi2} to random integer between {@ethereum-min-fiyat} and {@ethereum-max-fiyat}
set {fiyat::eth} to {_sayi2}
if {fiyat::btc} isn't set:
set {_sayi1} to random integer between {@bitcoin-min-fiyat} and {@bitcoin-max-fiyat}
set {fiyat::btc} to {_sayi1}

function numberFormat(int: text) :: text:
set {_Format} to "%{_int}%"
set {_length} to length of {_Format}
if {_length} >= 3:
set {_mod} to {_length} mod 3
if {_mod} is 0:
set {_groups::*} to groups 1 of {_Format} matched to "([0-9]{3})"
set {_Format} to "%join {_groups::*} with "".""%"
set {_1} to the first {_mod} characters of {_Format}
set {_2} to subtext of {_Format} from characters ({_mod}+1) to {_length}
set {_groups::*} to groups 1 of {_2} matched to "([0-9]{3})"
set {_Format} to "%{_1}%.%join {_groups::*} with "".""%"
return {_Format}

on placeholderapi placeholder request for the prefix "borsaf":
if the identifier is "sayac":
set the result to "%{kuryenile}%"
if the identifier is "btc":
set {formatted.btc} to numberFormat("%{fiyat::btc}%")
set the result to "%{formatted.btc}%"
else if the identifier is "eth":
set {formatted.eth} to numberFormat("%{fiyat::eth}%")
set the result to "%{formatted.eth}%"
else if the identifier is "doge":
set {formatted.doge} to numberFormat("%{fiyat::doge}%")
set the result to "%{formatted.doge}%"

on placeholderapi placeholder request for the prefix "borsawallet":
if the identifier is "btc":
set {formatted.mybtc} to numberFormat("%{bitcoin::%player%}%")
set the result to "%{formatted.mybtc}%"
else if the identifier is "eth":
set {formatted.myeth} to numberFormat("%{ethereum::%player%}%")
set the result to "%{formatted.myeth}%"
else if the identifier is "doge":
set {formatted.mydoge} to numberFormat("%{dogecoin::%player%}%")
set the result to "%{formatted.mydoge}%"

command /borsaislem [<text>] [<text>]:
if arg 1 is "al":
if arg 2 is not "bitcoin" or "ethereum" or "dogecoin":
send "{@prefix} &cHatalı Kullanım!"
if arg 2 is "bitcoin":
if player's balance is bigger than or equal to {fiyat::btc}:
execute console command "eco take %player% %{fiyat::btc}%"
add 1 to {bitcoin::%player%}
send "{@prefix} &fBaşarıyla &a1 BTC &fsatın aldınız!"
execute player command "borsa"
execute console command "tm message %player% &c&lHATA\n&7Yeterince paran yok!"
if arg 2 is "ethereum":
if player's balance is bigger than or equal to {fiyat::eth}:
execute console command "eco take %player% %{fiyat::eth}%"
add 1 to {ethereum::%player%}
send "{@prefix} &fBaşarıyla &a1 ETH &fsatın aldınız!"
execute player command "borsa"
execute console command "tm message %player% &c&lHATA\n&7Yeterince paran yok!"
if arg 2 is "dogecoin":
if player's balance is bigger than or equal to {fiyat::doge}:
execute console command "eco take %player% %{fiyat::doge}%"
add 1 to {dogecoin::%player%}
send "{@prefix} &fBaşarıyla &a1 DOGE &fsatın aldınız!"
execute player command "borsa"
execute console command "tm message %player% &c&lHATA\n&7Yeterince paran yok!"
if arg 1 is "sat":
if arg 2 is not "bitcoin" or "ethereum" or "dogecoin":
send "{@prefix} &cHatalı Kullanım!"
if arg 2 is "bitcoin":
if {bitcoin::%player%} is bigger than or equal to 1:
execute console command "eco give %player% %{fiyat::btc}%"
remove 1 from {bitcoin::%player%}
send "{@prefix} &fBaşarıyla &a1 BTC &fsattınız!"
execute player command "borsa"
execute console command "tm message %player% &c&lHATA\n&cHesabınızda &eBTC &cbulunmamaktadır!"
if arg 2 is "ethereum":
if {ethereum::%player%} is bigger than or equal to 1:
execute console command "eco give %player% %{fiyat::eth}%"
remove 1 from {ethereum::%player%}
send "{@prefix} &fBaşarıyla &a1 ETH &fsattınız!"
execute player command "borsa"
execute console command "tm message %player% &c&lHATA\n&cHesabınızda &eETH &cbulunmamaktadır!"
if arg 2 is "dogecoin":
if {dogecoin::%player%} is bigger than or equal to 1:
execute console command "eco give %player% %{fiyat::doge}%"
remove 1 from {dogecoin::%player%}
send "{@prefix} &fBaşarıyla &a1 DOGE &fsattınız!"
execute player command "borsa"
execute console command "tm message %player% &c&lHATA\n&cHesabınızda &eDOGE &cbulunmamaktadır!"
if arg 1 is "wallet":

if arg 1 is "kur":
send "ETH: %{fiyat::eth}%"
send "BTC: %{fiyat::btc}%"
send "DOGE: %{fiyat::doge}%"
send "%{kuryenile}% dakika kaldı!"

every 1 minutes:
if {kuryenile} is 0:
set {kuryenile} to 30
set {_sayi1} to random integer between {@bitcoin-min-fiyat} and {@bitcoin-max-fiyat}
set {_sayi2} to random integer between {@ethereum-min-fiyat} and {@ethereum-max-fiyat}
set {_sayi3} to random integer between {@dogecoin-min-fiyat} and {@dogecoin-max-fiyat}
set {fiyat::doge} to {_sayi3}
set {fiyat::eth} to {_sayi2}
set {fiyat::btc} to {_sayi1}
send "{@prefix} &fBorsa fiyatları güncellendi! &aBir sonraki yenilemeye kalan: &e30 Dakika" to all players
execute console command "hd reload"
remove 1 from {kuryenile}
Kodu eklerken kod seçeneğini seçip ekleyebilirsin daha düzeli durur.
  • Beğen
Tepkiler: SemiOztrkk